It’s World giraffe Day

Dear Diary,

Today is a good day. Why? You may ask. Well, today is World’s Giraffe Day, and that makes it as special like Christmas or Hanukkah for the Jews who pop in here once in a while. We did not have a secret Santa again this year, so disappointing. One would have thought that after nineteen years in the wild I’d get used to the way of the jungle, but no, every year I keep hoping that Santa would stop by with a stack of  Lucerne grass.

Forgive my manners, “je’mappelle Betty, enchante!” ( I am using French cause introductions sound sexier in French) I am the oldest giraffe here at the giraffe centre. I look at some of the interns my age and can’t help but wonder why they are so full of life like I was at ten years.  Now I can feel my knees getting weaker; my vision is not as sharp as it used to be, the air smells different each morning. If I could speak my speech would start to get a little slurry, but you know what, all this is justified because I, my friend, have lived longer than most of my cousins in the wild.

I like it here. They give us pellets and salt licks on a daily. But today I don’t feel particularly motivated to eat pellets and salt licks. I mean if I did, then what would make this day different from any other day. I have made peace with the fact that Santa is never going to pop up here, so the least my human friends can do is feed me a different treat.

Link to Giraffe Centre day to day activities

I did have Rhus today, quite a delicious treat and not very common around here. I must say I was impressed by the rangers. So even when they hit their buckets of pellets calling unto us, I heeded. The day is almost coming to an end. I can see the sun setting leaving an orange layer of rays on the Ng’ong hills. It is a beautiful life, and I am happy. Tomorrow the cycle repeats itself but yet another opportunity to meet people from different walks of life at the platform.

Yours faithfully,

Betty, the giraffe.

Sick in the Wild

You know for the tallest animal existing, poise and glamour is their way of life – nothing of news.  And as the Victoria Secret’s of the wild ( Uhm,, they don’t call themselves that, but work with me here) being sick is not a welcome respite. In fact, sickness is just never a topic to whine about around there, I mean what else would you want when you’ve got antiseptic saliva?

Well, that may not have been the case for Nandi the giraffe. On Saturday, we notice that Nandi is gloomy and aloof. One might mistake this for the cold weather  Nairobi has been serving us, but at a closer look, his ever-smooth fur coat is rough, and his nose is running.  Could he be sick? But from what? Remember when I said giraffes have antiseptic saliva? Well, let’s just say diarrhoea doesn’t care much about that because Nandi our girl had a severe running stomach.

In this millennial age, we could call Nandi a foodie because she, unlike others, is not keen on observing her diet. So anything and everything works for her, and we all know how that goes. The exact food she might have eaten that caused this is yet to be understood, but some speculate grass. Good news ! she’s now under the medication and close supervision from the rangers. Her health is steadily improving as she recuperates in isolation.

Over the last decade, a strange disease has also been noted in one of Rothschild’s cousins, the Masai giraffes. This species of giraffes widely spread in Northern Tanzania and Southern Kenya have been observed to have a  rare kind of skin disease. The disease is characterized by large grey crusty lesions that form on different parts the giraffe’s body mostly around the legs and the neck region.

Giraffes with these lesions seem rather inert  and could be an easy target for predators such as lions. While it’s a feast for the Lions, the giraffes can’t help but feel offended because they have never been known to give in so easily. And while the disease has not been recorded in the Rothschild Giraffe, its causes and treatment are yet to be found.

Research is still being conducted on the GSD ( Giraffe Skin Disease) to determine the exact cause of the infection and if this disease is mortal to the species. In other news, watch your diet, stay healthy, don’t be like Nandi!